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Entries in BARC (1)


The Best Spiritual Writing 2012 Discussion on BARC

Sometimes, when writing really informal posts like this, I want to start off by saying, "Hi, there," which immediately makes me want to say, "Hi there, ho there, neighbor," which I think is a combination of catch phrases from Ned Flanders (Homer Simpson's neighbor) and the mysterious neighbor Wilson from the old show "Home Improvement." And then that phrase brings to mind the evergreen and ever-so-sweet, "Hi-ho, Kermit the Frog here!"

So... Hi there, ho there! Jenna the blogger here with a quick note to tell you about an online discussion I'm co-leading as part of the Best American Reading Club (BARC), an online book club focusing on anthologies. Last month's discussion focused on The Best American Essays 2011, and next week we're looking at The Best Spiritual Writing 2012.

If essays (and the occasional poem) about the ethereal make your insides feel all aflutter (as they do mine), please hop on over and join in the discussion starting on Sunday (2/19). Everyone is welcome. We'll be posting a loose weekly schedule so you'll know when we'll be discussing which pieces. That means you can play along even if you don't read the whole book upfront.

I'm especially looking forward to discussing "A Chapel Is Where You Can Hear Something Beating Below Your Heart" by Pico Iyer, an essay that I mentioned in my recent post, "Creativity & Quiet." And I hear that my co-host Sarah and I both have a bone to pick with the book's introduction, so that should be a lively time.

Hope to see you over there, neighbor.