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The Writing Life (online class starts June 30)

I'm creating a writing life that I love. I want you to do the same!

Join me for the next online session of The Writing Life: Rituals, Rhythms, & Practices (June 30 - July 25).

After too many years of struggling to create a vibrant and sustainable writing practice, I'm finally zeroing in on what works for me, how to overcome my sticking points, and how to love writing as much as I love having written.

I created this class because the process and practice of writing comes up all the time with writers at all levels of experience. I've had similar conversations with brand new writers and with published authors. All of us writerly types are looking for ways to make our writing lives easier and more prolific.

Here are some of the things we'll explore in The Writing Life class:

  • Do you think before you write, or do you write in order to think?
  • Do you write best to music or in silence?
  • Are you a linear or an associative thinker? And what does that mean for how you write?
  • Do you write best with pen and paper or on a keyboard?
  • Can you sit and write for hours on end, or do you work better in shorter bursts?
  • Do you really have to write every day in order to be a writer?
  • How can outlines, index cards, and mindmaps support (or hinder) your writing?
  • Which of these words motivates you more: discipline or enthusiasm?
  • How can the physical objects around you make you feel more inspired and focused?
  • How can you stoke your creativity when you're not writing?

I taught this class last April, and I loved it. This time around should be even more fun now that I'm beginning to get my own rhythm down. Plus, I've added an ebook of the content so you'll have all the lessons in one handy file at the end of the course!

By taking this class, you will...

...unravel the misconceptions and myths of what being a "Real Writer" looks like. (That pesky myth of the real writer is a persistent little guy!) and embrace the true writer that YOU are.

...tap into your creative energy and unleash it in a sustainable way.

...learn techniques for transforming your perceived weaknesses into the strengths of your writing life.

...figure out what it will take for you to write more.

...start to have a lot more fun while writing! 

We'll explore every aspect of the writing process, inside and out:

  • Writing as a Process of Discovery: Cultivating a writer's mindset, clearing the mental clutter, and practicing the practice

  • The Inner World of Your Writing Life: Understanding the different phases of your process, knowing how your mind works, and embracing your natural writing "breath"

  • The Outer World of Your Writing Life: Understanding how your surroundings impact your work, finding inspiration in tangible objects, creating rituals and routines, and leveraging your natural rhythms and schedules

  • Living the Writing Life: Setting livable writing goals and dreams, discovering what motivates you, and choosing to live the writing life

The course details: 

  • Dates: June 30 - July 25, 2014
  • Content: The content for this course is a mixture of stories & lessons, tips & techniques, exercises & prompts, and resources & inspiration.
  • Email: Course content will be delivered on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays during the course. Each email will explores a particular aspect of the writing process.
  • Ebook: At the end of the course, you'll receive an ebook (.pdf) of the full course content to keep.
  • Community: Join your fellow writers in an optional, private community group on Facebook where you can support each other, ask questions, and swap stories. We'll celebrate the ups (and commiserate about the downs!) of the writing life. 
  • Support: During our month together, I will be available by email and in the community group to answer your questions about writing and the writing life, to practice alongside you, to offer additional resources, and to cheer you on!
  • Price: $62 (This is a great way to get access to me for a whole month for less than the price of one individual mentoring session!)

 Sign up below, or click on over to the course details page.

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The Writing Life: Rituals, Rhythms, & Practices
(online course, community, & ebook)

June 30 - July 25, 2014

I hope you'll join me for The Writing Life: Rituals, Rhythms, & Practices! If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or contact me. I'm happy to help. 

 p.s. If you're interested in reading more about my own writing process, I've written about it here, here, and here.

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